Of course, the tip-hunters came running. If you hand out $degen tips for poetry prompt responses, that's no surprise. They brought their AI-generated poem> Read what happened next.
Take in the scent of the water, and tell me what you smell. This week we're smelling nature and learn about whale poo.
Welcome to the 31st edition of the Onchain Poetry Digest, where we bring you an eclectic collection of poetry from the pulsating heart of the blockch...
Remebering and imagining. We're learning from the past to make a better future in this weekly poetry shot.
A fresh poem, written with ink on paper.
Watching the landscape and filling our fountain pens this week in your weekly poetry shot.
Hello friends. Here's issue 30 of the Onchain Poetry Digest. This is the first one being sent out on a Tuesday. Enjoy the poems and collect what you can.
Enjoying flying and music in your weekly poetry shot #191
Sometimes I see my dad. Sometimes another person I once knew. Today, the poem is about remembering the kindness.
What a nice two weeks. It's April again, so we have the OnPoWriMo going on. And much more amazing poetry.